Monday, April 11, 2011

Put Your Game Face On

Hi Everyone!

This isn't a typical post since I usually talk about hair, makeup and fashion (keep reading I actually do talk about makeup and a great way to change your look) which I think what I'm going to go is update my blog more often with just random stuff about hair, makeup and fashion, this probably doesn't make much sense but you'll see!! Anyways this post is much different because I'm going to talk about my favourite thing on earth The Montreal Canadiens and hockey! I'm a huge hockey fan, well really I love all sports but the hockey season just ended and the Canadiens made the playoffs.  On facebook they have this contest where you have to ''Put Your Game Face On'' so I decided to enter in it.  I put  my war paint on and took pictures for the contest.

I guess in a way I could tie in fashion into this post... As you will some pictures don't have red lipstick and then I decided I wanted to put lipstick on since it would match the teams colours and make the red on the shirt and face stand out more.  Adding a bold bright colour to your lips completely changes a look, it makes it more dramatic and there is something about a bright bold red that screams high fashion to me. I attached pictures of no lipstick and red lipstick and well red lipstick may not be for everyone, just try and play around with different colours that go well with your skin tone. I find a fair light skin tone like mine contrasts well with a red lipstick compared to a darker skin tone looks really nice with a light soft pink. 

So if you are a hockey fan like myself or a fan of any sporting team, support the team and Put On Your Game Face. It's a great and inexpensive way to show your support and it's fun to do!

And don't forget if you want to change up a look effortlessly then just add some lipstick or a really nice lip gloss. It bring the look from plain to bold and dramatic.


 With No Lipstick
With Red Lipstick!

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