Monday, March 14, 2011

Beauty On A Budget: Hair Products Under $5!!!

Hi Everyone! I just finished another YouTube video where I talked about hair products that I use and have been using for years now. All of these products are under $5!!!!  If some of you are like me and find a lot of hair products especially salon brands to be overly expensive then check out this video. I talk about a wide range of products and give you a few different options. I have two different types of hairsprays, mousses, thermal sprays etc...  Beauty products are getting very expensive especially if you consider there is a product for every hair type and style. So in the end you end up paying a lot of money on products. 

All these products I've tested and use and really like them! I'm not going to show products that I don't like and haven't worked well on my hair.  Again I say all these products are under $5 but the price may vary depending where you live and which store you go to. So the prices may differ +/- a couple of dollars but shouldn't be that much more expensive!

I believe in finding a good bargain in hair and makeup products so if you have any good bargain deals please feel free to email me at or if you have a YouTube account through their emailing system or even comment below on this post.  I'm always curious to know of different products out there.

Check out the video:

Visit my Channel:

Stayed tuned for my Beauty On A Budget: Makeup Products Under $5!!!

If you have a YouTube Account please subscribe to my channel! It means a lot and encourages me to continue to make videos! If you don't have an account it's very to start!


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