Sunday, May 1, 2011

April 2011 Favorites!!

Hi Everyone!

I just recently put up a video on my YouTube on all my favourite products of the month of April! I find that this month I got way more products for my hair and face compared to the month of March.  March was more scattered.  But in the video I talked about around 17 products that I have been using in April and purchased in April!

It's a nice balance between hair, makeup and face products! So I hope that all of you head over to either my YouTube Channel and check out this video or just click on the link below that will bring you directly to the video! 

It means a lot when I have people viewing my video's, leaving comments and subscribing to my channel. It really brightens my day and gives me a lot of motivation to continue making videos.  It means just as much as all of you coming to my blog and reading my posts. I try to  make them as interesting as possible and a wide variety of topics.  Sometimes I do slack on writing but I've been trying to post more often on more random things.


Link to my Channel:

If you have a YouTube account please Subscribe to my channel this will give you more access to my channel, you will receive and email with my new videos that I upload!  Also I suggest getting a YouTube account even if you don't upload any videos because you can create playlists and favourites where you can group videos and have them on file so you can access them faster.
